Ways to Help
Thank You For Your Support!
Fore Life, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) established in 1998 to use the game of golf to give at-risk youth every opportunity to succeed.
Here’s how you can help and become a partner Fore Life
- Make a tax-deductible contribution (we just changed banks and will have PayPal set up as soon as we receive new checks)
- Donate golf bags, balls, shoes, equipment, etc.
- Become a volunteer
- Ask a friend or corporation to match your contribution
- Purchase “Support Junior Golf” license plate”

Want your child to benefit from all Fore Life has to offer or want to help?
To become a member Fore Life, just stop by and see us in action! All new member and volunteer registration is done on site.
To mail a contribution,
please make check payable
to Fore Life, Inc. and mail to:
Lauderhill Golf Course c/o
Fore Life, Inc. 4141 N.W. 16th
Street Lauderhill, FL 33313

In the donation form where it says ‘Summary’ you can select the tax amount. The default option might be “17%”, but by selecting “Other,” you can avoid being charged extra.

Make a Difference
Since 1998, Fore Life, Inc. has impacted the lives of thousands of young men, women and the communities in which they live.
In 2005, Fore Life, Inc. began offering alternative programming to juvenile offenders with an emphasis on consequences and better decision making skills to reduce recidivism. Upon completion, juveniles are offered membership into regular programming and afforded the same long term opportunities as members.
We are extremely proud of all our members that have grown through Fore Life, Inc. We thank our touring golf professionals that return to “give back”. Some of our members have graduated and/are enrolled in universities throughout the country. Many are productive citizens and career professionals that still live in the community and entrust their children to Fore Life, Inc.
Throughout the years, we have and will continue to Care, Encourage, Challenge and Empower Youth Fore Life!